Instagram Hashtags - The Secrets You Must Know

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019

Keeping yourself afloat online is essential to maximize the reach of your post and hashtags on Instagram are the real deal. Frankly, Instagram Hashtag secrets are the only gap between you and those who are making waves on Instagram.

Have you been searching for tips and secrets to make it big on Instagram?
Tired of trying and testing formulas to finally realize nothing ever works when it comes to Instagram Hashtags? Are you looking for assured results and need successful guidelines?

Then, let’s read on and uncover a few Instagram hashtag secrets to grow your page’s popularity with organic reach.

Instagram Hashtag secrets

Instagram Hashtag Secret No. 1:

Keep our Hashtags hidden

It’s no secret that no one likes to see a post riddled with hashtags. They don’t speak well of you in front of your followers. 

To avoid this, you may consider hiding your hashtags in two ways - 

1)    Don’t use hashtags in the caption but put it as the first comment when you have posted your photo.

2)    Or you could add a break right after your caption. 
How do you do this? Simply add a dot and then press “return”. Repeat this step five times which will add a neat break between your caption and hashtags to make your post look appealing.


Instagram Hashtag Secret No. 2:

Use relevant and authentic hashtags

 Use hashtags that resonate with you and communicate the same message to your audience.  Such tags are relevant for your goals on Instagram as they help you get the right audience (as discussed in our previous blog).

In your use of hashtags and Instagram, always give priority to ‘authenticity’.  Your audience will always be more engaged if your stories or posts feel authentic and strike a chord with them.

Pertinent use of hashtags on Instagram will ensure that you have a stable, reliable, engaging and expanding fan base.


Hashtags and Instagram Secret No. 3:

Use at least 11 hashtags for efficiency

Posts with 9 - 11 hashtags receive the highest engagement. Lengthy posts with 15 or more hashtags are often ignored by your followers. Yes, you can post up to 30 hashtags on your post but you don’t necessarily have to use all of them in every post.

If you post correctly, using accurate hashtags, the chances of your picture appearing at all the right places increase exponentially.


Instagram Hashtag Secret No. 4:

Do not use the same set of hashtags and Instagram Posts repetitively (or more than once)

It’s important that you remember this! You should try and use new and unique hashtags for every post so that your profile becomes ascertainable for new and different people.

Continuous use of the same hashtags puts you at risk of having your account flagged as a spam account. Over a long period, under such cases, your post won’t show in any of the tags at all.

Hence, spice your posts up with exclusive and diverse hashtags.

Instagram Hashtag Secret No. 5:

Keep an eye on the numbers

Pay close attention to hashtags that trend.  They usually appear out of the blue and when they do, they get viewership from thousands of people. Hence, this is the right time to knock on the door of opportunities.

When you come across such trending hashtags, put in extra efforts and post a picture revolving around these hashtags frequently to increase the influx of people to your page.


Hashtags and Instagram No. 6:

Watch for frequency

While it’s true that the more pictures you post, the more hashtags you get to use.  However, you should be wary of becoming a nuisance with incessant posts. Would you like to see a page posting 3 pictures every day? Won’t you be bored of them quickly?

Hence, you should make it a point to post only 1-2 pictures a day. That way, you don’t seem to be trying too much and still, you spread to more places.


Instagram Hashtag Secret No. 7:

Follow and test hashtags

The moment you follow hashtags, Instagram generates similar hashtags based on the ones you follow.  This is helpful in giving you ideas for your new hashtags posts.  

Test hashtags - don’t be afraid to explore other Instagram hashtags. You can always check the insights of individual posts to see how each hashtag is faring to know which hashtags gives you maximum impressions.


There, you have them! We have revealed the most significant hashtag secrets for you. Go and make the most of what you can be on Instagram.